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Stone Septic

Stone Construction LLC

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Stone Septic

Stone Construction LLC

Septic System Design




Professional Septic system design and inspections Since 1993

At Stone Septic, we recognize the critical role of a properly functioning septic system in maintaining the health and well-being of your home or business. That's why we're committed to delivering unparalleled service, expertise, and reliability to every customer we have the pleasure of serving.

As a locally owned and operated establishment, we take immense pride in serving our community. Throughout the years, we've fostered enduring relationships with our customers, earning their trust through our unwavering reliability, professionalism, and commitment to quality workmanship. Our journey began in 1993 when I started designing and installing septic systems for various companies. Today, I continue this tradition of exceptional service and dedication to our valued customers.


Whether you're in the market for property acquisition, home construction, renovation, or expansion, reaching out to us for a complimentary phone consultation is your best first step. We could potentially streamline your process and even save you valuable time and resources in the long haul.

Septic System Design

We offer the expertise of a Minnesota Licensed Septic Designer to guide you through the process, ensuring a cost-effective solution for your new system. Our team can craft a comprehensive plan tailored to your needs, ready for a Licensed Installer to execute. Whether it's repair, replacement, or installation, rest assured that our solutions adhere to all state, county, and city ordinances. Our primary goal is to safeguard your groundwater and uphold the well-being of your community.

Site Evaluation & soil testing

A site evaluation is crucial in determining the suitability of soils for a septic drainfield and a replacement area. Soil borings are conducted onsite to pinpoint the most suitable drainfield locations on the property. These locations are then marked out onsite, and a map is generated for the property owner, highlighting the suitable areas.

During our site evaluation process, we extensively traverse the entire property to gain a comprehensive understanding of optimal septic areas. We take into account various factors such as future property development plans, potential home sites, preservation of natural features, optimal access points, and the most suitable type of system for the site. By considering these aspects, we can often streamline future design processes, minimizing the time required for implementation.

Concrete Septic Tanks

Contact Us

Mobile Number:

Address: P.O Box 46 Longville MN 56655

Website: www.stoneseptic.com

Email Address: will@stoneseptic.com

Let's build the future together!